The revised and expanded second addition of the e-book Beyond Stills:  HDSLR Motion Capture for the Non-Filmmaker  is now available.  The second edition  includes a more general discussion of HDSLR and interchangeable lens – mirror-less camera settings and operations regardless of brand, as well as discussion of the  including menus, movie settings, and operations of Canon and Nikon HDSLRs including the  Canon 60D, the Nikon D7000 and the D3100. The First section of the book focuses on the Camera - operations and settings; Part 2 of the book focuses on accessories to help facilitate motion capture; and the third section focuses on motion capture techniques.  The book includes exercises which will better allow you to understand how your camera will behave under different shooting conditions.  Additionally, the Interactive Resource Guide, which allows readers to access product and other information from manufacturers and was originally a separate publication, has been incorporated into the e-book.  For more information or to buy  Beyond Stills, click here .

A free copy of second edition of Beyond Stills is availabe to all those who have proof of purchased the first edition.  If you purchased the first edition of the book from this site, your download instructions will be sent to you directly.  If you purchased the book from the  iBook Store, please contact me at  

On or about the 15th of this month, all visitors to the site will have access to the Premium Content.


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